Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Shake and Bake Chicken

Source: My momma, Peggy Elwood

2 cups dry bread crumbs
½ cup flour
3 teaspoons paprika
4 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons sugar
2 teaspoons onion powder
2 teaspoons oregano
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
½ teaspoon garlic powder
½ cup shortening
chicken pieces (I like to use the boneless skinless thighs or regular drumsticks)

Mix all the ingredients (minus the chicken) together. Skin the chicken (if it has skin) and roll in the breadcrumb mixture.  Bake at ~350 degrees F until chicken is cooked (times will vary depending on the pieces of chicken you're using - a good starting point is usually about a half hour and check from there).  This makes a lot (I coated two big packages of chicken legs and I still have some left over!), but the extra crumb mixture will keep for a long time in a ziploc bag in the fridge.  Note: put a small amount of crumb mix in a bowl for dipping/rolling your chicken in and add to it as needed.  That way your extra crumbs stay chicken juice-free and you can have more deliciousness on another day.

According to family legend, this was something my mom made for my dad on one of their first dates . . . and the rest is history!  My memories of it usually involve a President's Day outing to Hardware Ranch to see the elk and go sledding, picnicing on cold Shake and Bake and Dad's potato salad in the car afterwards.  We recently made and devoured it for a Memorial Day picnic in the mountains of Colorado.  Whatever the memories or tales around this chicken may be, it's definitely delicious and worth making.  As Gregg loves to quote every time we make or eat this, "It's shake and bake, and I helped!"

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