Sunday, December 4, 2011

Italian Salad

Source/Contributor: Victoria Blanchard

Fresh, dark greens (I like Wal-Mart brand organic half-and-half mix)
Pepperoni, cut into quarter slices
Tomatoes, diced
Black olives, sliced
Shredded Parmesan cheese
Italian dressing

Top your greens with an appropriate amount of each ingredient depending on how many you are serving. Enjoy!

Notes: Although I came up with this "recipe" myself, I'm sure it's not original, but I really can't think of what official source inspired me for this combination. I came up with this for our ward Christmas Party because I wanted something pretty and I had decided to go savory rather than with one of my typically sweet salads (which was a good move since most of the other salads there were sweet). Also, the fact that pepperoni is in a recipe that I came up with is a clear indicator of my gestational status. I usually am only interested in eating pepperoni (or more accurately, I'm ok with not avoiding eating it) once in a blue moon, but when I'm pregnant it's on my A list. Seriously, I probably eat it once a week (mostly on pizza). It's crazy what hormones do to my taste buds.

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