Sunday, February 27, 2011

Funky Noodles

Source: my momma

1/2 head thinly sliced cabbage
1 diced onion
6 sliced carrots (mine weren't very big ... and I like carrots)
1 bunch chopped broccoli and/or cauliflower
oil for stir frying
1-2 cups cooked, cubed or shredded chicken
4 packages oriental flavored ramen noodles (or 2 oriental, 1 shrimp, and 1 chicken ... if that's what you have ;)
soy sauce to taste

Cook noodles according to package directions, reserve seasoning packets.  Drain noodles.  Stir fry cabbage, onion, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower in wok with small amount of oil.  When cabbage is limp but still a little crispy, add chicken, noodles, seasoning packets, and soy sauce.  Toss to mix.  Cook until chicken is heated through then serve (with additional soy sauce, if desired).  (If served as a side dish, rather than main course, chicken can be left out.)

We had a Relief Society activity-during-the-week last week where we gathered into little groups to discuss/brainstorm/share ideas for quick, easy, healthy, cheap meal ideas and grocery shopping tips.  I shared Funky Noodles, which turned out to be quite the hit of an idea.  So I thought I'd share it with you, too.

I don't know where this recipe really comes from.  I thought my mom just made it up.  She said she thought it came from one of my home-ec class creations.  Anyway, it's good.  Maybe not completely authentic Chinese, but tasty nonetheless.   And easy.  And pretty cheap.  Really you can use any type of Ramen and any vegetables you have/prefer.  (I've made it a few times without cabbage simply because I didn't have any.  But the cabbage really is great, in my not-so-humble opinion.)  This recipe is so versatile ... just scale it to your needs/wants (I usually make about half this recipe for just me and the mister, but for a larger crowd, you'll want more).  Also, I don't always use all of the seasoning packets ... sometimes it's just too much for my taste.  So add a couple, stir it around, and taste it to see where you're at.


  1. Great news! Your funky noodles are foreign - this recipe is almost spot on to Japanese Yakisoba. I really like the addition of chicken - Yum!

  2. Holy smokes. I had no idea it was as cool as that. I've never even heard of Yakisoba, but from what Wikipedia tells me, it sounds very close. Cool. Thanks for sharing! :)
