Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Grandma Elwood's Macaroni Salad

Source: Margaret Elwood (my Grandma, of course!)

Salad macaroni or small seashell pasta
onion, finely diced
Miracle Whip
salt and/or seasoned salt

There isn't really an official recipe for this deliciousness - I just called my grandma up and this is the gist of what she told me and what I did:
Cook the pasta according to the directions on the package.  Drain and rinse with cold water.  Toss in some frozen peas (they will thaw from the heat of the pasta).  Add a can of tuna (1 can per package pasta) and diced onion if you like it.  In a small bowl mix up some Miracle Whip, mayonnaise and a little bit of milk - Grandma says she generally uses more mayo than MW, but she didn't give a real amount - just do enough cover the amount of pasta you cooked.  Also, just add enough milk to make it smooth and creamy, but not too runny.  Season your dressing mixture with salt (we used seasoned salt).  Then pour the sauce over the rest of the salad ingredients.  Stir to coat.  If you need more dressing, mix up some more.  If it seems like too much, it'll probably be fine because you want your salad to chill in the fridge for a while before serving.  (We made ours the night before we were going to eat it.)  While it is in the fridge, the pasta really soaks up a lot of the dressing and right before serving you'll likely need to add a little more dressing just to make things moist again.

Gregg was in charge of bringing a salad to his work picnic this week, and this is the one we chose to bring.  It's one of my top ten favorite foods - something that my grandma is famous in our family for concocting for every get together.  I don't know if ours tasted quite like hers, but it was definitely close.  And super delicious.

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